Giving any command-line argument to letarette
will print a description of all settings and their compile-time default values.
All durations can be specified with common time unit suffixes, such as 1ms
or 20s
Variable | Type | Description |
LETARETTE_NATS_URLS | Comma-separated list of String | URLS for the NATS servers to connect to. |
LETARETTE_NATS_SEEDFILE | String | Path to file with Nkey authentication seed. |
LETARETTE_NATS_ROOTCAS | Comma-separated list of String | List of root CA certificate files. |
LETARETTE_NATS_TOPIC | String | NATS topic prefix for all messages. |
LETARETTE_DB_PATH | String | Path to the index database file. |
LETARETTE_DB_CACHESIZEMB | Unsigned Integer | Database cache size in MB. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_SPACES | Comma-separated list of String | List of index spaces to serve. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_COMPRESS | True or False | Compress newly added docs. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_LISTSIZE | Unsigned Integer | Number of documents on the interest list. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_REQSIZE | Unsigned Integer | Maximum number of documents in a document request. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_MAX_OUTSTANDING | Unsigned Integer | Maximum number of active document requests at a time. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_WAIT_INTEREST | Duration | Longest time the indexer will wait for an interest list from a Document Manager. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_WAIT_DOCUMENTREFETCH | Duration | Time waiting for a document before re-requesting from a Document Manager. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_WAIT_DOCUMENT | Duration | Time after which the indexer will stop waiting for a requested document. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_WAIT_REFETCH | Duration | Time after which the indexer will re-fetch a non-delivered requested document. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_WAIT_CYCLE | Duration | Time to wait in each successful update cycle. Shorter times make the indexer more aggressive. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_WAIT_EMPTYCYCLE | Duration | Time to wait when there are no new documents. |
LETARETTE_INDEX_DISABLE | True or False | Disables the indexer, if only search requests should be handled. |
LETARETTE_SPELLING_MIN_FREQUENCY | Integer | Minimum occurences of a word in the local shard to be used for spelling. |
LETARETTE_SPELLING_MAX_LAG | Integer | Max number of words in the local shard that the spelling index is allowed to lag behind the main index. |
LETARETTE_STEMMER_LANGUAGES | Comma-separated list of String | Ordered list of stemmer algorithms to apply in indexing and searching. |
LETARETTE_STEMMER_REMOVE_DIACRITICS | True or False | If true, will remove diacritics from terms before indexing and searching. |
LETARETTE_STEMMER_TOKENCHARACTERS | String | String containing extra characters to be considered token characters. |
LETARETTE_STEMMER_SEPARATORS | String | String containing extra characters to be considered separator characters. |
LETARETTE_STEMMER_STOPWORD_CUTOFF | Float | Percentage (0.0-100.0) of the most common words that will be added to the stop word list. |
LETARETTE_SEARCH_TIMEOUT | Duration | Timeout for search requests. |
LETARETTE_SEARCH_CAP | Integer | Max number of search results to return. Lower levels make large index searches faster at the cost of less accurate ranking. |
LETARETTE_SEARCH_CACHE_TIMEOUT | Duration | Max time that entries are kept in cache. Set to 0 to disable the cache. |
LETARETTE_SEARCH_CACHE_MAXSIZE_MB | Unsigned Integer | Max size of the in-memory cache in MB |
LETARETTE_SEARCH_DISABLE | True or False | Disables the search handler. |
LETARETTE_CLONINGPORT | Unsigned Integer | Port to listen to for incoming cloning requests. |
LETARETTE_CLONINGHOST | String | Hostname for incoming cloning requests. |